Do you love yourself?Truly love yourself? Until recently, I never did. I mean, I was fine with who I was, but I didn’t truly love who I was. The world always gives you the message that you are not enough. Whether it be from media, your friends, your family, yourself, etc. everyone seems to receive that message. You are not smart enough. You are not athletic enough.You are not talented enough. You are not skinny enough. You are not pretty enough. The list goes on and on about our “shortcomings.” We keep on striving and trying to “be enough.” We focus so much about becoming “better” that we are blind to the truth. The truth that we are enough. We are enough because God says we are enough. If God, the creator of the earth and the creator of you, says that you are enough, what else do you need? I know for me, I needed more. In 1 John 5:1 it says
“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too.”
Okay, so I have to love Gods children, what does that have to do with myself? Well, it says that because I believe, I am a child of God. It also says that I am to love the children of God. Which include myself! I am to love myself, because I am a child of God. However, that was still not enough to convince me to truly love myself. So I dug deeper. In Romans
8:10-11 it says
“Christ lives in you…The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you….”
“Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.”
And in Colossians
3:11 says
“Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.”
Wow. I mean I always heard that Jesus lives in me, but it never truly hit me. Since I believe Jesus is Lord, that means he lives in me. And if I truly love God, how could I not love myself? Not loving myself would kind of be like not loving Jesus. I don’t know about you, but that definitely convinced me. So I encourage you to truly love yourself because you are enough. Don’t listen to the world, listen to the one who knit you together.
Update: I am in Swaziland! It is definitely a change from last month in a lot of ways. Mozambique was sandy and flat. Swaziland is green and mountainous, which I love. Last month was a lot of evangelism, healing, and crusades along with some physical labor. This month we will be working with a lot of kids and also be doing hospital visits. Last month we lived in tents in our contacts yard. This month we have our own house and mattresses. Although we do have a house, we do not have plumbing, which we did have last month. In some ways this month will be easier, but in other ways it will be harder. I am excited to see how God uses my team this month and I ask that you continue to pray for my team. Thank you so much for all your support and I pray that God changes your life as much as he has already changed mine.