
Yesu ni Bwana

It means “Jesus is Lord”, it might not be correct grammar but that’s what the words mean. Even when things don’t go as expected and we get disappointed, Yesu ni Bwana. Coming to Kenya, many of us were expecting and hoping to be out in the middle of a random tribe where we camped in tents and cooked over a fire and had to go miles away to find any kind of western culture. However, when we got off the bus at 2 in the morning and walked down this dirt road, we walked into a house that has couches, bunk beds, electricity, and running water. I was ticked. I wanted to be stretched to limit and forced out of my comfort zone. But I came to see that God had done exactly that. I would have been comfy in a tent. It was what i wanted. So God put me in the most uncomfortable place possible.
We took Sunday to simply rest and find peace. That night we asked God to help us get over our selves and to simply seek to do his will where ever we were at. This Monday was by far the best day of the trip so far. For me it was the first day that I felt like I was in the right place, it was the first day that I felt like I was a missionary. We have faced some challenges here and have some amazing times. But God has been present through it all.
On another note, please be praying for a man here named Samuel. He lost his aunt two years ago and he said that he prayed every night that she would get better but she never did. So he thinks that God does not answer prayers. However, God, being as amazing and awesome as He is, put a girl on our team who had lost her mom a year ago. We went back to Samuel’s house today with our team mate Shelby and she was able to tell him her story and speak to his heart more. He is still not sure what to believe but he said that he doesn’t want to be angry any more with God. After that we went to the house of a local pastor and took Samuel with us to have lunch. The pastor wasn’t there but his wife was and she is an incredible woman of God with so much wisdom. We were able to have an amazing meal and some good laughs. It really helped Samuel to open up to us. He decided to walk back to the house with us and on the way we started having conversations about what football team is better how to play table tennis and all kinds of things. By the time we got back to the house we were staying at, he seemed like a different person. He even wanted to stay in contact with us on facebook. Something that’s really funny is that he thought I was the leader of our team and that I was at least 25 years old. I wish I could describe the look on his face when I told him I’m only 18 and that I’m the youngest person on our team. haha. But he knows who we are now, and that we aren’t just some muzungus that are trying to shove religion down peoples’ throats in africa, but that we’re people just like him who have been set free by the love of Jesus Christ.

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